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Show Notes:
S2E12: Fathers and Finances || ABOUT THAT WALLET
Fathers bring a special element to finances that are to be discussed. During this session, we will discuss the importance of a father in the child's life. Childhood memories of not having a two parent household and how that impacted the views on finances; Financial challenges of having a child. and much more.
I look forward to hearing your comments during the live session.
Jeff Adjei: https://www.instagram.com/primetimekwame IG: @primetimekwame
Johan Owens: https://www.instagram.com/omg_approvals IG: @omg_approvals
Anthony Weaver: https://www.instagram.com/aboutthatwallet IG: @aboutthatwallet
Daryl - rndcomputertechnical.com
Thank you for being part of the discussion!
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Great Episode.